This course is part of the In Thy Word Ministries Curriculum. This course covers the Basics, Why, God the Bible and You, Who Christ is,

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What you will learn?

Learning About Discipleship

Becoming a Christian
Placing your faith and trust in Jesus Christ alone as your personal Lord and Savior is the most important decision you will ever make! If you have never invited Christ into your life, or if you would like more information on what it means to commit your life to Christ, please allow us the privilege of sharing Him with you.
What is Discipleship?
God does not ask us to seek converts, He simply asks us to do Discipleship. Discipleship is modeling and teaching Christians the precepts of the Bible-mainly prayer, doctrine, Christian living, and worship. Yes, we are still to evangelize, but that is not our main mission and call! When we evangelize, we must realize that it is the role of the Holy Spirit to bring people into an intimate relationship with God. This is an act of divine intervention and grace.
What is a Disciple?
A Disciple is one who grows in Christ and in so doing models and teaches Christians the precepts of the Bible, prayer, doctrine, relationship, Christian living, service, and worship, to name the main ones.
A Primer for Faith
Using Our Faith To Live the Life To Which We Have Been Called!
Jesus invites you to Discipleship!

Being a true disciple means having a willingness to trust Him completely in all aspects of life from the highest highs to the lowest lows. It means we are not only willing to trust Him to provide for our salvation, but also for the future.

What is Obedience?

Are you being Obedient? Obedience is submitting to what God requires of us.

Follow by Faith

Let Jesus be your supreme example in all that you do.

The Power of Prayer! Part 1

What are we to do first in all situations? Is it to complain? Argue with one another? Be stressed? NO! We are called to pray...

The Power of Prayer! Part 2

Prayer is not just an exercise we do. Rather, it is the active communication we have with God; it is the most important act for us in any matter or...

What is Christianity all about?

Why we Need to be Saved

The key we need to understand is this, sin entered in the world by one man that affected all people by Adam; but the grace of God, which justified us, comes in the world by one man/God. All of humanity deserved it, Christ did not; thus, yes it is unfair- to God, but not to us!

The Gospel in a Nutshell

God does not reject us; rather, it is us who reject Him, He goes out of His way to give us the grace we do not deserve. He gives us His Way, even though we continue to fight against Him by hardening our hearts and rejecting His Truth and precepts.

What does Jesus do for Me?

We have to see the magnificent aspect of what Christ has done for us. We need to see the joy and the hope we are given. This is foundational to life and liberty.

What is the Gospel? Part 1

It means from the Greek, "A Good Message" literally or more to the point "Good News" referring to a message of good tidings such as...

What is the Gospel? Part 2

The Gospel simply put is "The Good News" of what Christ has done for you and me. This is the message and meaning of who and what Jesus is and has done.

What Grace Really Is

Grace basically means an undeserved act of kindness. This is one of the most enduring actions of love that could ever be conceived.

How to Grow in the Faith

God's Enduring Word!

Is the power and love of God enduring in you? Is your Christian life having results to it? The word "therefore" is referring to the results, conclusions, or applications that are to be in our lives from the reasons given.

How to have a Devotional Time

How can I develop quality time with our Lord so I can become a deeper and more mature Christian?

Bible Reading for New Christians

Thirty-one Days to Know God's Plan for Us. This plan is a general overview of God's encounter with humanity, our responses to Him, and how He gives us Hope, Salvation, and an Eternal Future.

Beginning Bible Reading Plan

This is an excellent Bible Reading plan to start out with, or use to refresh yourselves in Him. In just a few minutes a day for a month, you will be stronger in your faith and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

The 90-Day Experience

To know the Word and to live by it, you will need to take daily time to read the Bible. To develop a habit of Bible reading, it is best to have a consistent time and place.

Basic Apologetics on the Bible

Why should I care about the Bible?

How is the Bible different from any other book? Look at the evidence... If the Bible claims to be the Word of God it is a special book. This leads to a very personal question...What does it mean to you? · IT CLAIMS TO BE THE WORD OF GOD! · IT IS A BOOK FROM GOD . . . · It has unity ... in preservation... in content... in influence!

What Difference can the Bible Make in My Life?

Whether you have personal questions about love, suffering, guilt, loneliness, success, God, the future, or the meaning of life, the Bible has answers. Consider these analogies. The Bible is a light... a mirror... spiritual food... a shield... a sword... a rock foundation... a counselor!

What are the Answers to Life's Ultimate Issues?

What are the answers to 10 tough questions I deal with in life? What are the ultimate issues we all struggle with? What are the serious issues related to God, you, and the meaning of life?

What does the Bible say about Jesus Christ?

Jesus' life story was predicted and described centuries before His birth. No other person has influenced the history of the world as much as Jesus. Jesus lived in history! Jesus had unusual power! Jesus was more than an ordinary man! Jesus changed the lives of others and He can change yours too!

Why should I go to Church?

There are 5 main reasons why going to church is important.


There are, of course, many more than "three reasons to trust the Bible." Among these are textual unity, textual preservation, historical accuracy, scientific accuracy, prophetic accuracy, and its social and personal impact. But even the above three reasons are enough to show that the claims the Liberals and cults make against the Bible are unfounded!

What God desires us to be and to do

How to Build a Good Personality

Make sure you have a godly disposition! Do people treat you unfairly? Have you ever wondered why? Well, we live in a fallen world, and we are all filled with sin. Sin affects our relationships and personality, the way we treat people, and the way they treat us.

Fruit of the Spirit is Love

Love will enable us to appreciate our brothers and sisters in the Lord, and, of course, our family and others around us.

Fruit of the Spirit is Joy

Joy will allow us to enjoy my relationship with Christ, His creation, others, and our circumstances with an expression of delight and real, authentic happiness from and with harmony with God and others.

Fruit of the Spirit is Peace

Peace is surrendering and yielding ourselves to the Lord to be in His control, for He is our ultimate peace!

Fruit of the Spirit is Patience

Patience is showing tolerance and fortitude toward others, even accepting difficult situations from them, and God, without making demands or conditions.

Fruit of the Spirit is Kindness

Kindness is the medium through which Christ's love becomes tangible through us. It is practicing benevolence and a loving attitude towards others.

Fruit of the Spirit is Goodness

Goodness is the engagement of love! It displays integrity, honesty and compassion to others and allows us to do the right thing.

Fruit of the Spirit is Faithfulness

Faithfulness is the "gluing" fruit that will preserve our faith and the other characters of the Spirit and identify God's will so we can be dependable and trusting to God and others.

Fruit of the Spirit is Gentleness

Gentleness is the character that will show calmness, personal care, tenderness and the Love of Christ in meeting the needs of others.

Fruit of the Spirit is Self-Control

Self-Control is allowing God to be in control of your will and heart and seeking the Spirit to enable us.

We Are To Have the Attitude of Christ!

Are you chasing your desires or our Lord?

Why should I be in a small group?

In Acts the Bible tells us we need to be in relationships for our personal and spiritual growth. As Paul and the early Christians taught and received teaching "from house to house," we too must respond in our walk with Christ in each others homes (Acts 5:42; 20:20)!



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Course Objectives
What does the course cover?


Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to understand:

 ·       The memory verse

·       What it means becoming a Christian

·       The definition of discipleship?

·       The term “Disciple”

·       What it means when Jesus invites you to discipleship.

·       The term “Obedience”

·       How we follow as disciples by faith.

·       The power of prayer as a disciple


 Please down and read through study guide. There will be a course completion assignment (For Certificate students) and Final Exam (For Diploma students) to be completed upon completion. 


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Course Completion

Please be advised, to earn the certificate below, all courses must be completed in the following studies.  Certificates are NOT issued for single courses. 

 1.Certificate: Christian Discipleship

2. Certificate: Introduction to Christian Coaching


Please advise that this course form is only for students working on the certificate programs listed above.  It requires all courses in each study  to be completed to earn a certificate of completion.   

Download attached form and submit your answers via email below:

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Final Exam
Christian Discipleship - CD 101 Exam Information

 Please note that only students of the Diploma of Christian Discipleship Studies and Biblical Life Coaching program are permitted to take the final exam for this course.  It is NOT required for individuals who are enrolling in this course for their own personal enrichment or in any of the certificate programs mentioned in previous section.

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Christian Discipleship - CD 101

Your actual grades will be forwarded via email to you once your exam responses are received. 


About the course

Christian Discipleship 101 -Getting started on your journey of spiritual growth. Why, God Bible and You, Prayer, Bible Reading, Who Christ is, what He has done…This course covers the Basics, Why, God the Bible and You, Who Christ is, what He has Done Prayer, Bible Reading...  



Please note that ONLY students of the Diploma of Christian Discipleship Studies program are permitted to take the final exams in each discipleship course.  Everyone else can take any of the courses listed in the program and received a certificate of completion through the student portal.


More info

About the teacher

Daniel A.

Course (s)Taught: Christian Discipleship, Biblical Studies, Teaching Tactics, Spiritual Warfare...

 International Ministry Director for Sword of The Spirit Bible Institute for Africa.  He is also the coordinator and senior instructor for our discipleship program offered in person and virtually. Pastor Daniel has been with SOTS since its inception and has been a valuable part of the team.   He has served as Pastor of his local assembly in Ibadan, Nigeria for several years and have trained in discipleship courses, theology and biblical studies courses. He is also highly experienced in Spiritual Warfare & Strategies.  He is a trained photographer and videographer and also has a background in Insurance sales and security management. 

Pst. Daniel can be reached @

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Sword of The Spirit Bible Institute

A Biblically Centered Training Program
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