This course is part of the Harvestime curriculum. The Gospel of the Kingdom spreads throughout the world as leaven in bread dough.
Most courses on evangelism focus only on the command to "go" into all the world with the Gospel. They emphasize preaching and teaching the Gospel message. This course differs because it also focuses on what Jesus said to do "as you go" and the New Testament Church pattern of what to do "while you are there." The course is divided into three sections:
Part One is entitled "Go." It focuses on the mandate given by Jesus to preach the Gospel of theKingdom of God to all creatures. It includes instruction on the message to be shared, the messengers, how to communicate the Gospel, and the recipients of the message. Methods of evangelism are also taught, with emphasis on those used in New Testament times. Both personal and mass evangelism methods are discussed, with specific instruction on how to deal withdifficulties and the follow-up care of new converts. Instruction also is given on planning and
mobilizing spiritual resources and networking with others for evangelism.
Part Two is entitled "As you go." In the New Testament Gospels, Jesus never commissioned anyone to preach the Gospel without also commanding them to minister healing and deliverance. He told them "As you go...heal the sick, cast out demons . . ." (Matthew 10:1,7-8). As the multitudes came for healing and deliverance, the spiritual harvest began to multiply so rapidly that new laborers were required. It was not long until 70 more disciples were needed and were sent out to preach, teach, heal, and deliver. It was this demonstration of power "as they went" that resulted in the rapid spread of the Gospel throughout the world. For this reason, Part Two of
this course focuses on the healing and deliverance ministry that is to accompany the preaching and teaching of the Gospel.
Part Three focuses on the pattern revealed by the New Testament Church of what to do "while you are there." It proposes that evangelism is not complete unless a church is planted among a group of new believers. Evangelism without establishing local churches is like bringing children into the world and not claiming responsibility for their subsequent care. A person should not be considered "evangelized" until he becomes a functioning part of a local church fellowship. To accomplish this, there must be a local church. An area should not be considered evangelized until a church is planted.
This three-part approach to evangelism is called "leaven-like evangelism" because it will spread the Gospel throughout the world rapidly even as leaven permeates a lump of bread dough. The leaven may be small and hidden, but its impact is unlimited.
Upon completion of this course you will be able to:
Define leaven-like evangelism.
Explain the mandate of evangelism.
Summarize the message of evangelism.
Identify the messengers of evangelism.
Identify the recipients of the message.
Communicate the Gospel to others.
Summarize New Testament principles of evangelism.
Summarize New Testament parables of evangelism.
Do personal evangelism.
Deal with difficulties you encounter in evangelism.
Reach an entire area by saturation evangelism.
Conduct mass evangelism.
Follow up new converts.
Make plans for evangelism.
Network with others for evangelism.
Summarize what the Bible teaches about healing and deliverance.
Explain variables that affect healing.
"As you go, heal."
"As you go, deliver."
Describe the New Testament model for church planting.
Follow New Testament methods to plant churches.
Follow New Testament methods to multiply churches
Students, ensure that you read through entire study guide and answer self test (open book) questions which is optional. The self -test answers can be found at the end of the guide. There will also be a course completion assignment (For Certificate students) and Final Exam (For Diploma students) to be completed upon completion.
Please be advised, to earn the certificate below, all courses must be completed in the following studies. Certificates are NOT issued to single courses.
1.Certificate: Jail and Prison Ministry Training Course
2. Certificate: Christian Discipleship
3. Certificate: Evangelism and Church Planting Strategies I
Please advise that this course form is only for students working on the certificate programs listed above. It requires all courses in each study to be completed to earn a certificate of completion.
Download attached form and submit your answers via email below:
Please note that only students of the Diploma in Christian Discipleship and Biblical Studies programs are permitted to take the final exam for this course. It is NOT required for individuals who are enrolling in this course for their own personal enrichment or in any of the certificate programs mentioned in previous section.
Download attached form and submit your answers via email below:
Leaven Like Evangelism CD-262
This three-part approach to evangelism is called "leaven-like evangelism" because it will spread the Gospel throughout the world rapidly even as leaven permeates a lump of bread dough.
The Gospel of the Kingdom spreads throughout the world as leaven in bread dough. The leaven is small and hidden but its impact is unlimited. Effective evangelism strategies are taught, including detailed instruction on the deliverance ministry, church planting, and techniques of networking between ministries.
Course (s)Taught: Christian Discipleship, Biblical Studies, Teaching Tactics, Spiritual Warfare...
International Ministry Director for Sword of The Spirit Bible Institute for Africa. He is also the coordinator and senior instructor for our discipleship program offered in person and virtually. Pastor Daniel has been with SOTS since its inception and has been a valuable part of the team. He has served as Pastor of his local assembly in Ibadan, Nigeria for several years and have trained in discipleship courses, theology and biblical studies courses. He is also highly experienced in Spiritual Warfare & Strategies. He is a trained photographer and videographer and also has a background in Insurance sales and security management.
Pst. Daniel can be reached @
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Course(s) Taught: Biblical Theology, Biblical Principles for Effective Ministry Leadership,...
Regional Training Director for Zambia and also an instructor/trainer of Sword of The Spirit Bible Institute (SOTS). He has served as Pastor of Mountain of Peace ministries in Lusaka, Zambia for several years and has been a valuable member of the SOTS team. Apostle Dr. Emmanuel has a Doctoral degree in Thelogy with also a wealth of training in several ministry courses to include Foundations of Faith, Biblical Theology, Evangelism and Church planting strategies, Jail & Prison Ministry training, Christian Counseling and Effective Ministry Leadership.