The study of angels is referred to as “angelology”. This course focuses on the righteous angels of God.
Introduction 3
Objectives 4
Chapter One: Introducing The Angels 5
Chapter Two: Dispelling Misconceptions 12
Chapter Three The Characteristics And Titles Of Angels 22
Chapter Four: The Organization Of Angels 38
Chapter Five: Angels In The Old Testament 46
Chapter Six: The Angel Of The Lord 66
Chapter Seven: Angels In The Life Of Jesus 81
Chapter Eight: Angels In The Book Of Acts 91
Chapter Nine: Angels In The Epistles 98
Chapter Ten: Angels In The Revelation: Part One: Their Work 106
Chapter Eleven: Angels In The Revelation: Part Two: Their Worship 126
Chapter Twelve: Angels On Assignment: Part One: Ministry To Believers 137
Chapter Thirteen: Angels On Assignment: Part Two: Guardian Angels 144
Chapter Fourteen: Angels On Assignment: Part Three: Angels And Spiritual Warfare 152
Chapter Fifteen: Activating The Angels 164
Epilogue A Great Cloud Of Witnesses 172
Appendix One: Difficult Passages Regarding Angels 173
Appendix Two: A Comparison Of Angels And Believers 176
Appendix Three: Satan And The Evil Angels 178
Appendix Four: Biblical References 188
Answers To Self-Tests 219
The study of angels is referred to as “angelology”. The term comes from two Greek terms,aggelos meaning “messenger” or “angel” and logos meaning “word, matter, or thing.” In Christian theology the term "angelology" refers to the study of the Biblical doctrine of angels.
Traditionally, “angelology” includes the study of evil angels who are under the control of Satan. Their devices are an important subject of which we should be knowledgeable, “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us” (2 Corinthians 2:11). Detailed teaching on this topic is covered in the Spiritual Strategies, A Manual of Spiritual Warfare Course.
Why study angels? We are not seeking the accumulation of information, but divine revelation. As Believers, we must be able to separate truth from error. The false religions of Islam and Mormonism were both founded when an “angel of light” appeared with a message that they claimed was from God. It is also important to understand the ministries of these supernatural spirits which are dispatched by God in your behalf. You should to know their purposes and how they are activated in your life and ministry.
Upon completion of this study you will be able to:
-Define the word "angel".
-Explain the origin of angels.
-State the major purposes for which angels were created.
-Discuss the fall of some of the angels.
-Dispel misconceptions about angels.
-Discuss the characteristics of angels.
-List the Biblical titles of angels.
-Explain the organization of angels.
-Summarize the ministry of angels in the Old Testament.
-Explain the ministry of the Angel of the Lord.
-Summarize the ministry of angels in the life of Jesus.
-Summarize the ministry of angels in the book of Acts.
-Summarize the ministry of angels in the Epistles.
-Summarize the ministry of angels in the book of Revelation.
-Discuss how angels worship and apply it to your own worship.
-Explain the ministry of angels to Believers.
-Discuss the ministry of guardian angels.
-Explain how angels function in spiritual warfare.
-Explain how angels are activated and hindered
Please advise that this course form is only for students working on the certificate program listed above. It requires all courses in this study to be completed to earn a certificate of completion.
Certificate : Biblical and Theological Studies
Basic Bible Survey: Old Testament
Basic Bible Survey: New Testament
Knowing God's Voice
Biblical Theology
Ministering Spirits -Angels of God
Certificate: Effective Spiritual Warfare Strategies
Spiritual Strategies (Warfare)
Strategic Spiritual Warfare
Battle For The Body
Ministering Spirits-Angels of God
Certificate: Foundations of Biblical Theology
Biblical Theology
Introduction to Christian Ethics
Overview of The Gospels
Knowing God's Voice
Ministering Spirits -Angels of God
Download attached form and submit your answers via email below:
Please note that only students of the Diploma of Biblical Theology and Biblical Studies programs are permitted to take the final exam for this course. It is NOT required for individuals who are enrolling in this course for their own personal enrichment or in the certificate of Biblical & Theological Studies and Foundations of Biblical Theology program.
The Angels of God.
Are not the angels all ministering spirits (servants) sent out in the service ofGod for the assistance] of those who are to inherit salvation? (Hebrews 1:14, TAB)
This course focuses on the righteous angels of God. It explains their origin, organization,and attributes. It summarizes the ministry of angels in the past, present, and future as recorded in the Bible. It also dispels common misconceptions about angels.
Traditionally, “angelology” includes the study of evil angels who are under the control of Satan.Their devices are an important subject of which we should be knowledgeable, “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us” (2 Corinthians 2:11). H
Course(s) Taught: Counseling God's Way (Certificate program), Biblical Theology
Apostle Alick is a regional trainer and affiliate with Sword of The Spirit Bible Institute. He is also a trainer/instructor with Impact Bible College in Namibia and the senior pastor of Christian Faith Impact Ministries (CFI). He has been in this leadership position since 2016. Apostle Alick is a graduate of Bootstrap Christian University and is currently a student at Tnet Africa, an International Christian Training Ministry.
Course (s)Taught: Christian Discipleship, Biblical Studies, Teaching Tactics, Spiritual Warfare...
International Ministry Director for Sword of The Spirit Bible Institute for Africa. He is also the coordinator and senior instructor for our discipleship program offered in person and virtually. Pastor Daniel has been with SOTS since its inception and has been a valuable part of the team. He has served as Pastor of his local assembly in Ibadan, Nigeria for several years and have trained in discipleship courses, theology and biblical studies courses. He is also highly experienced in Spiritual Warfare & Strategies. He is a trained photographer and videographer and also has a background in Insurance sales and security management.
Pst. Daniel can be reached @
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Course(s) Taught: Biblical Theology, Biblical Principles for Effective Ministry Leadership,...
Regional Training Director for Zambia and also an instructor/trainer of Sword of The Spirit Bible Institute (SOTS). He has served as Pastor of Mountain of Peace ministries in Lusaka, Zambia for several years and has been a valuable member of the SOTS team. Apostle Dr. Emmanuel has a Doctoral degree in Thelogy with also a wealth of training in several ministry courses to include Foundations of Faith, Biblical Theology, Evangelism and Church planting strategies, Jail & Prison Ministry training, Christian Counseling and Effective Ministry Leadership.
Course(s) Taught: Discipleship, Teaching Tactics, Biblical Theology, Counseling, Spiritual Warfare.
Pastor Taiwo is the Director of Programs at Throne of Mercy Bible College in Ogun State, Nigeria and also a Biochemist by profession. He is an affliate member of Sword of the Bible Institute and serves in the role of Regional Trainer in Nigeria. Pastor Taiwo is trained in several ministry training courses to include Discipleship, Pastor Theology, Deliverance, Guidance and Counseling and Prophetic studies.