This course is part of the Harvestime curriculum. This study focuses on the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
During one of his missionary trips the Apostle Paul questioned a group of believers about the Holy Spirit. He asked if they had received the Holy Spirit since they believed. Their answer was, "We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost" (Acts 19:2).* Paul shared the message of the ministry of the Holy Spirit with these Christians (Acts 19). Today it is equally important that believers understand the ministry of the Holy Spirit. God promised: And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh... (Acts 2:17)
Upon completion of this course you will be able to:
Describe the personality of the Holy Spirit.
List various names and titles of the Holy Spirit.
Identify emblems representing the Holy Spirit.
Describe the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Explain how to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
List and define the gifts of the Spirit.
Identify your spiritual gift(s).
Identify the fruit of the Spirit.
Identify the works of the flesh.
Develop the fruit of the Holy Spirit in your life
Pages 7-21
Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:
Identify the Holy Spirit as part of the Trinity of God.
List personality traits of the Holy Spirit.
Explain the nature of the Holy Spirit.
Pages 22-30
Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:
Identify emblems of the Holy Spirit.
Explain what each emblem represents.
List titles of the Holy Spirit.
Pages 31-47
Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:
Explain the ministry of the Holy Spirit concerning:
The sinner
The Church
Pages 48-62
Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:
Define baptize.
Identify three Scriptural references where it reveals what happened when people receive
the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Explain how to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Identify the outward physical sign of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Explain the true evidence of baptism in the Holy Spirit.
List guidelines for receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
List four main objections people sometimes raise to the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Pages 63-78
Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:
Define spiritual gifts.
Identify the source of these gifts.
Distinguish between spiritual gifts and natural talents.
Explain purposes for spiritual gifts.
Explain the objectives of spiritual gifts.
Explain how these gifts are distributed.
Identify abuses of spiritual gifts.
Identify the key to using spiritual gifts.
Distinguish between true and false [counterfeit] spiritual gifts.
Pages 79-105
Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:
Name four divisions of spiritual gifts used in this study.
Identify the special gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Explain the difference between the special gift of being a prophet and the gift of
Explain the difference between the special gift of being a teacher and the gift of teaching.
Pages 106-114
Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:
Identify the five speaking gifts.
Define the speaking gifts.
Distinguish between the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge
Pages 115-131
Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:
Identify the nine serving gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Explain the difference between the gift of serving and the gift of helps.
Explain the difference between the gift of administration and the gift of leadership.
Distinguish between the gift of faith and the fruit of faith.
Pages 132-147
Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:
Identify the four sign gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Explain the purposes of miracles.
Name five causes for physical illness.
Distinguish between the gift of tongues and speaking in tongues as a physical sign of
baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Discuss Biblical guidelines governing use of the gift of tongues.
Pages 148-176
Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:
Explain why it is important for a believer to discover his spiritual gift.
Explain how a believer can discover his spiritual gift.
Discover your own spiritual gift.
Pages 177-199
Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:
Identify the outer fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Identify the inner fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Explain the importance of the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Identify a Scripture reference which reveals we are chosen to bear fruit.
Define the various inner fruit of the Spirit.
Distinguish between peace of God and peace with God
Pages 200-221
Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:
Identify the works of the flesh.
Explain how to walk in the Spirit rather than in the flesh
Pages 222-237
Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:
Explain the different production levels of spiritual fruit.
Use the parallel of natural fruit production to explain how the fruit of the Spirit is
developed in the life of a believer.
You are welcome to complete self-test (open book questions) at the end of each chapter and reivew your answers at the end of the course guide.
Please be advised, to earn the certificates below, all courses must be completed. Certificates are NOT issued to single courses.
Certificate: Biblical Principles for Effective Ministry Leadership
Certificate: Biblical Teaching Strategies
Certificate: Counseling God's Way
Certificate: Evangelism and Church Planting Strategies II
Certificate: Jail and Prison Ministry Training Course
Certificate: Biblical Strategies for Women in Ministry
Please advise that this course form is only for students working on any of the certificate studies mentioned above.
Download attached form and submit your answers via email below:
Please see notes in previous section regarding the certificate program.
Please see notes in previous section regarding the certificate program.
Please see previous section for information regarding certificate programs.
Please see previous section for information regarding certificate programs.
Please see previous section for information regarding certificate programs.
Please note that only students of the Diploma of Biblical Theology, Biblical Counseling & Crisis Care and Biblical Studies programs are permitted to take the final exam for this course. It is NOT required for individuals who are enrolling in this course for their own personal enrichment or in the certificate programs.
Download exam form and submit your answers via email below:
Please allow 3-5 business days from submission for exam to be reviewed and graded.
Ministry of The Holy Spirit - BS-230
This study focuses on the ministry of the Holy Spirit, spiritual fruit, and spiritual gifts. Students are guided in discovery of their own spiritual gifts and position of ministry in the Body of Christ.
This course examines the nature and personality of the Holy Spirit. It discusses the titles giventhe Holy Spirit and emblems which represent Him. Both reveal mu ch about His ministry. The purposes, gifts, and fruit of the Holy Spirit are examined in detail. Practical guidelines are given for experiencing the baptism of the Holy Spirit, identifying spiritual gifts, and developing the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Course (s)Taught: Christian Discipleship, Biblical Studies, Teaching Tactics, Spiritual Warfare...
International Ministry Director for Sword of The Spirit Bible Institute for Africa. He is also the coordinator and senior instructor for our discipleship program offered in person and virtually. Pastor Daniel has been with SOTS since its inception and has been a valuable part of the team. He has served as Pastor of his local assembly in Ibadan, Nigeria for several years and have trained in discipleship courses, theology and biblical studies courses. He is also highly experienced in Spiritual Warfare & Strategies. He is a trained photographer and videographer and also has a background in Insurance sales and security management.
Pst. Daniel can be reached @
Email :
Course(s) Taught: Biblical Theology, Biblical Principles for Effective Ministry Leadership,...
Regional Training Director for Zambia and also an instructor/trainer of Sword of The Spirit Bible Institute (SOTS). He has served as Pastor of Mountain of Peace ministries in Lusaka, Zambia for several years and has been a valuable member of the SOTS team. Apostle Dr. Emmanuel has a Doctoral degree in Thelogy with also a wealth of training in several ministry courses to include Foundations of Faith, Biblical Theology, Evangelism and Church planting strategies, Jail & Prison Ministry training, Christian Counseling and Effective Ministry Leadership.